Kingdom of heart

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Each journey gives rise to chance encounter and each encounter brings forth a farewell.

When a farewell leads to a journey, the worlds open their Hearts.

Those chosen by the light, or ensnared by the darkness. Friends who share the same bonds, though their paths may differ.

When you doubt the path trod thus far, when the hand you held is lost to you, gaze anew at the Heart that once was...

...for all answers lie within.

A long dream. A sad farewell, hanging in the air in that "world between."

What is reality? What is illusion? the path chosen by the young boy leads to his memories.

When caught in the stream of the days and nights going past, gaze anew at your steps...

...for there all confusion will end.

Will the day come when this battle, born of confusion will end?

It is different things to different people.

Can the reality be that which is hidden?

The reason is mere existence. Still, memories can be believed.

Be not afraid. Entrust your Body to the soothing waves of your memories.

By and by, your fleeting rest will be over...

...and everything will begin

Thinking of you, wherever you are,

We pray for our sorrows to end,
and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realise this wish.

And who knows:
starting a new journey may not be so hard
or maybe it has already begun.

There are many worlds,
but they share the same sky-
one sky, one destiny.

Mie goreng aduh pengen *nih cara lain masak mie goreng

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Siapa sih yang tidak kenal Mie Instant? Well...mestinya sih saya harus menggunakan kata mie instan tanpa harus menyebut merek disini. Tapi imie instan sudah melekat sedemikian eratnya sehingga sering digunakan interchangebly (dapat dipertukarkan), seperti halnya aqua terhadap seluruh air mineral.

Saya yakin para agan sudah hafal di luar kepala bagaimana cara memasak Mie Instant. Panaskan air hingga mendidih, masukkan mie dan bumbunya. Cara ini yang kemudian diperbaiki oleh para pedagang Mie Instant dengan menaruh bumbu ke dalam mangkok untuk mengatur banyaknya kuah hingga rasanya sesuai selera dan mencampurnya dengan bahan-bahan tambahan seperti sayur, tomat, telor, kornet, keju, dll.

Intinya cara memasak Mie Instant sesuai instruksi di bungkusnya yah seperti di atas tadi. Bosan gak sih? Kalau kita punya bahan-bahan tambahan sih gak jadi masalah. Masukkan bakso, atau pangsit, atau apapun yang kita pikir enak untuk dimasukkan dan kita akan memperoleh Mie Instant dengan rasa yang totally beda. Tapi jika para Agan tidak punya bahan tambahan lain, cara di bawah ini mungkin bisa dicoba untuk memberikan sensasi yang berbeda terhadap Mie Instant kita.

1. Hancurkan Mie Instant

Instruksi di bungkus Mie Instant menyuruh kita untuk memasukkan Mie Instant dengan utuh. Nah... kita coba cara lain dengan menghancurkan Mie Instant kita. Kita akan dapatkan Mie Instant matang namun kecil-kecil seperti halnya kita makan muesli. Yang kita peroleh adalah sensasi berbeda di lidah saat memakannya.

Namun, hati-hati dengan cara ini. Secara fisiologi sel, dengan menghancurkan Mie Instant Anda sebenarnya memperbesar permukaan Mie Instant yang bersentuhan dengan air panas. Yang terjadi adalah Mie Instant Anda akan cepat menyerap air panas dan lebih cepat matangnya. Oleh karena itu, para Agan harus menjaga jangan sampai Mie Instant tidak terlalu lembek. Cara ini cocok untuk semua rasa Mie Instant.

2. Goreng dengan mentega

Mie Instant (baik utuh atau dihancurkan sesuai selera) bisa digoreng dulu dengan menggunakan mentega hingga berwarna kecoklatan. Lalu masukkan air dan rebus Mie Instant hingga matang. Karbon yang dihasilkan dari penggorengan Mie Instant dengan mentega akan memberikan rasa yang berbeda bagi Mie Instant Agan. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa karena mentega itu rasanya asin perlu hati-hati dalam pengaturan bumbu agar rasanya tidak keasinan.

Cara ini lebih cocok untuk Mie Instant rasa standard seperti kaldu ayam atau ayam bawang. Saya tidak menyarankan untuk mencobanya untuk Mie Instant yang berasa khusus seperti kari ayam, soto koya, dll.

3. Ifu-Mie Instant

Saya yakin Agan tahu apa itu ifu-mie. Mie yang digoreng kering yang disiram pakai kuah kental yang panas. Kalau mau sedikit repot, para Agan bisa mencoba dengan merebus sebentar Mie Instant hingga matang, tiriskan, lalu goreng Mie Instant tersebut dengan minyak hingga kering crispy.

Bikin kuah Mie Instant, lalu tuangkan campuran tepung terigu/maizena dengan air ke dalamnya dan masak hingga kuah kental. Setelah itu tuangkan ke atas mie yang sudah digoreng kering tadi.

Karena agak repot saya belum tahu apakah cara ini dapat diterapkan di seluruh rasa Mie Instant atau tidak. Tidak ada salahnya untuk bereksperimen dengan rasa yang lain, tapi nanti bagi-bagi ke saya yah bagaimana hasilnya...

4. Pizza-mie

Kayanya cara ini agak lazim dan sering dipraktekkan. Mie Instant direbus hingga matang, lalu tiriskan. Campur telur dan dikocok hingga rata, lalu masukkan bumbunya. Campuran ini kemudian digoreng hingga matang dan agak kering. Paling enak dimakan dengan sambe

New moon? menggugah rating lewat eye candy

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Entah apa yang ada di pikiran sang sutradara Film new moon ini "Do they Selling this GAYEST IMAGE???" oh my.....cowok cowok cowok dan cowok bersinar sepanjang film... betapa tidak, kalau anda nonton film ini dengan kaum hawa... apa yang anda dapatkan selain teriakan kegirangan mereka seperti sedang birahi tinggi atau lebih parah lagi dengan para binan *you'll get chit chat a whole day bout the New moon cast* HYAAA PENGEN GUE LEMPAR AMA SENDAL

betapa tidak, dari sudut cerita saya menganggapnya begitu plain... romantis? tidak~! mengharapkan seperti bukunya??? itu lebih tidak mungkin lagi, disinilah letaknya, saya kok merasa melihat new moon adalah cuman buat menjual sebuah image cowok cowok yang keren-keren dan ganteng-ganteng yang tentunya dengan melihatnya bisa membuat para kaum hawa mengelu-elukan mereka *TRUST ME temen gue ada yang putus gara2 si edward keculek*

jadi apakah pantas sebuah film yang besutan sebuah novel terkenal *tapi dalam kasus twilight series saya merasa kalau FIlmnya turut mem-BOOST para pengemar-pengemar yang kebanyakan kaum hawa ini untuk membaca novelnya* dimana film ini menjadi sebuah film yang menyuguhkan ICON sang pemeran Cast menjadi sosok dewa yang tampan, Correct Me If I'm Wrong bukannya serial twilight sendiri merupakan saga yang di konsumsikan untuk genre romantis?? kenapa kesan kalau menjual ketampanan ini saya dapat dari film ini???

So kiki? why bother? ya iyalah gue terganggu... terkadang ada pula kalanya lo lihat film it's worthed or not.... yang penting duit gue ndak sia sia *hahahahha *itu sama aja Ndak worthed tolol, dan yang paling parah tentunya adalah teriakan elu eluan dari para cewek dan tak lupa para binan kurang kerjaan gitu.....

so bagi teman-teman yang pengen nonton new moon *jangan pedulikan tulisan saya ini, besorak dan jejeritanlah dengan penuh gegap gempita saat ngelihat wajah-wajah keren dari cast new moon... bersoraklah seperti hari esok kau akan ketemu dengan mereka


kiki yang terganggu oleh teriakan para penggemar new moon dan ceritanya yang plain tidak menggambarkan bagaimana cinta bella dan edward *ditulis dengan tinta pink tebal

Emak Pengen Naik Haji versus 2012 dan New Moon

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Minggu minggu ini banyak sekali Film dari box office yang nangkring di Indonesia, apalagi animo masyarakat tak dinyana membludak segila-gilanya, bisa dilihat beberapa hari saja Film macam 2012 tak tanggung sudah 1 minggu ada di pasaran Indonesia masih terus saja menyabet FULL SEAT, TIKET SOLD OUT bla bla bla di beberapa bioskop indonesia...

Film yang di bintangin John Cussack yang mukanya ganteng2 gitu... lalu apa sih yang di tawarkan dari Film ini? secara garis besar mungkin saya cuman menuliskan kalau Film besutan sutradar Roland Emmerich, dasyat abis, penggambaran secara detail mengenai Kiamat versi "Roland emmerich" sendiri tak disangka bisa membuat masyarakat indonesia cukup keder, sampai teriak astagfirullah astagfirullah hingga kemudian berkoar pada temen-temennya lalu
"eh Gue udah nonton 2012, aduh serem banget lo wajib nonton" udah deh bisa di pastikan efek domino dari si A ngomong ini di kasih Bumbu oleh si B kemudian berkembang dan akhirnya... efeknya dirasa ampe sekarang
palagi MUI *Majelis Ulama Islam, membuat Fatwa untuk mengharamkan nonton 2012 *PLAK DASAR MUI
tentu saja membuat orang orang yang belom menonton mendapat DORONGAN ingin menonton penasaran ada apa dengan Film 2012??? hyeee PLAAK~!!! dasar orang orang mau tauuuuuu ajaa....

tapi, di tengah maraknya orang sedang ingin menonton 2012, mereka bahkan tidak melirik Emak Ingin Naik Haji karya dari Aditya Gumay, ini tampaknya tersisihkan dari hingar bingarnya film 2012, dimana hampir dipastikan 90 persen para penonton bioskop pada ngantri 2012, mereka tampaknya memandang hampir kebanyakan FIlm indonesia jarang sich yang bermutu, tapi menurut saya yang awam ini soal FILM, Film ini sukses membuat saya menangis dan mempermainkan emosi saya, ketimbang nonton 2012 *maaf ya para penggemar 2012, tapi sayangnya animo masyarakat akan film Indonesia masih kurang

di tengah derasnya masukan dari Bioskop indonesia yang menayangkan 2012, Emak Pengen Naik Haji, menyajikan sebuah drama menyayat hati yang tentunya lebih realistis, saya lebih merasakan Nikmatnya ketika Menyebut "Masya Allah, Astagfirullah, Subhanallah" ketika menyaksikan film ini dari pada ketika menonton Film 2012,

Film emank ingin naik haji sendiri menceritakan tentang 3 Keluarga, yang 1 keluarga miskin yang pengen naek haji tapi ndak ada duit, 1 keluarga yang kayak dan udah berkali2 Umroh serta naik haji, dan 1 keluarga kaya yang naek haji hanya untuk gelar *Astagfirullah~!!
diceritakan tentang seorang nenek miskin umur 60an yang memiliki ke Inginan untuk melaksanakan kewajiban dalam rukun islam ke 5 yaitu Naik haji untuk yang mampu, yah sayangnya si Nenek ini tidak mampu, dan pekerjaan dia adalah membuat kue, serta pekerjaan anaknya yang hanya seorang pelukis saja
disinilah sisi kenyataan mulai di perlihatkan, disaat orang yang PENGEN BANGET naek haji, orangnya alim, rajin ngaji, sholat dan lain-lain, sedangkan orang yang kaya, malah pengen naek haji demi gelar dan ada pula yang malah Umroh gara-gara ada dude herlinonya... UGH *kan masih banyak yang ganteng, thomas Djorghi kan ganteng waghhaah *kenapa harus dude herlino coba....

kembali ke alur cerita, proses pencucian emosi dari sutradara ini saya bilang amat menyentuh, mulai di tunjukan susahnya cari duit, trus kenyataan-kenyataan pahit hingga alur klimak yang tentunya membuat emosi anda bakal naik turun, *EYE candy?? ndak ada tuh, apalagi kayak yang ada di film Serigala Terakhir yang EYE candy banget hihiihihi *disini justru drama kehidupan dan kenyataan dari kaum yang terpingirkan terlihat begitu jauh, yang saya suka dari cerita ini
meski si nenek sedang kesusahan, dan keinginan untuk naik hajinya tinggi, dia masih rela untuk menyerahkan sisa uangnya yang tak seberapa untuk menolong tetangganya yang sakit *Masya Allah~!!!!

dan adegan yang paling mantab adalah ketika sang nenek berjalan dengan anak lelakinya ke sebuah pantai *bagus banget sich pantainya*, dan dia bilang kalau misal dia di jemput terlebih dahulu sebelum pergi ke Mekkah, "Allah sudah tahu kalau hatinya sudah terlebih dahulu di Mekkah" >>> SUMPAH ANE MEWEK ABIS

jadi temen-temen yang belom nonton Emak Pengen Naik Haji, segeralah Nonton, sebelum tersundut oleh FILM yang akan pasti FULL SOLD OUT lagi *aaa... edward KECULEEK~!!!!

Rifcy Zulficar

21 Nov 2009

Shura job 4 Ragnarok Online

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Shura-*Designs may still vary


Image:Dragon_Combo.png Dragon Combo (Twin Dragon)

  • Max LV: 10
  • Prerequisites: Triple Attack LV 5
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Rapidly strikes a single target with two blows. The skill Fallen Empire can be used in combination with Dragon Combo.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attack Power 200% 220% 240% 260% 280% 300% 320% 340% 360% 380%
Stun Chance 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%

Image:Sky_Net_Blow.png Sky Net Blow

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Dragon Combo LV 3
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: A spinning blow that kicks up a storm, dealing damage to all targets in an area and throwing them back 3 cells. When using the skill, it consumes 1 spirit sphere. The user's AGI stat increases the damage.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power 200% 250% 300% 350% 400%

Image:EarthShake.png Earth Shaker

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Dragon Combo LV 1, Cursed Circle LV 1
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Sends a shockwave through the ground which damages all targets in a 11 x 11 area, dealing additional damage against hidden targets. Targets in Hiding, Cloaking, etc will be revealed when hit. Consumes 1 spirit sphere.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power 100% 150% 200% 250% 300%
Power on hide target 300% 450% 600% 750% 900%

Image:Rampage_Blaster.png Rampage Blaster (Explosive Spirit Shot)

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Earthshaker LV 2
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Consumes all of your spirit spheres and deals damage to all enemies in a 7 x 7 cell radius. The number of spirit spheres increases your damage. The skill deals increased damage if you are in fury state.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power Nº Spirit Spheres x 50% Nº Spirit Spheres x 100% Nº Spirit Spheres x 150% Nº Spirit Spheres x 200% Nº Spirit Spheres x 250%

Image:Knuckle_Arrow.png Knuckle Arrow (Shura Body Bullet)

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Lightning Walk LV 3, Rampage Blaster LV 3
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Instantly closes the distance between you and a target, dealing damage and throwing the target back. When the target is knocked back, if they collide with a wall or obstacle, they take additional damage. Consumes 2 spirit spheres when used.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power 200% 300% 400% 500% 600%
Knockback Damage 150% + Bonus 300% + Bonus 450% + Bonus 600% + Bonus 750% + Bonus

Image:Fallen_Empire.png Fallen Empire

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Dragon Combo LV 5
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Use your shoulders and fists to do an upwards blow to deal large damage to a single enemy. The enemy takes additional damage if the target is heavier. After receiving damage the target is unable to move for a short period of time. Fallen Empire can only be used after Dragon Combo. After fallen empire, Tiger Cannon and Gate of Hell can be used.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power 250% 400% 550% 700% 850%
Immobility Time 0.5s 1s 1.5s 2s 2.5

Image:Tiger_Cannon.png Tiger Cannon

  • Max LV: 10
  • Prerequisites: Fallen Empire LV 3
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Consumes your own HP and SP to deal damage ot the target's HP and SP. The more HP and SP used, the more damage it does. Consumes 2 spirit spheres. Can only be used in Fury state. When used after Fallen Empire, it does additional damage.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
User's HP Used 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20%
User's SP Used 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%

Image:Gate_of_Hell.png Gate of Hell (Rakshasa Phoenix Destruction Fist)

  • Max LV: 10
  • Prerequisites: Rising Dragon LV 5, Tiger Cannon LV 5
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Can only be used while in Fury state. Instantly strikes a target with countless blows. The more spirit spheres you have, and the lower the caster's HP, the more damage it does. The skill consumes 30% of your Max SP and all of your spirit spheres. Can be used after Fallen Empire, and when used this way the SP consumption is reduced by 10% and the damage slightly increased.

Image:Crescent_Elbow.png Crescent Elbow

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Sky Net Blow LV 5
  • Type: Active / Counter
  • Description: Attempt to counter an enemies attack, knocking back the opponent and dealing damage, though you'll still take damage. The higher the HP of the target, the more damage it does. The skill consumes 2 spirit spheres, and cannot be used on boss monsters.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Probability 24% 27% 30% 33% 36%

Image:Windmill.png Windmill

  • Max LV: 1
  • Prerequisites: Cursed Circle LV 1
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: A low to the ground spinning kick that damages targets in a 5x5 area and forces them to use [/sit]. Will stun monsters for 1-4 seconds. Does not work on boss monsters.

Image:Cursed_Circle.png Cursed Circle

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Stop Blade LV 2, Pressure Point - Silence LV 2
  • Type: Active / Special
  • Description: Creates an area 5x5 cells around the caster where all enemies cannot move or attack, and become silenced for the duration of the skill. If the user of cursed circle uses any other skill, cursed circle immediately ends. The skill consumes 1 spirit sphere.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Duration 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s

Image:Lightning_Walk.png Lightning Walk

Status Icon Image:Sc_05.png

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Windmill LV 1
  • Type: Active Toggle / Special
  • Description: When targeted with a ranged or magic attack (targeted magic only), instead of taking damage you immediately jump at high speeds to the attacker. When using the skill, it consumes some HP, and drains some SP each second. When the skill activates, the status effect ends.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
HP Consumed 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%
SP drain per second 3 3 2 2 1
Chance of activating 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Image:Rising_Dragon.png Rising Dragon

Status Icon Image:Sc_04.png

  • Max LV: 10
  • Prerequisites: Rampage Blaster LV 3, Pressure Point - Energy Gain LV 3
  • Type: Active / Buff
  • Description: Temporarily releases your mind and spirit, allowing you to gather more spirit spheres, increase your max HP and SP and improves your attack speed. During the duration of this skill you'll remain in Fury state. When using the skill, it will slowly drain your HP each second. If your HP gets too low, the skill effect will cancel.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Max Spirit Spheres 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Max HP +3% +4% +5% +6% +7% +8% +9% +10% +11% +12%
Max SP +3% +4% +5% +6% +7% +8% +9% +10% +11% +12%
Duration 30s 45s 60s 75s 90s 105s 120s 135s 150s 165s

Image:Howling_Lion.png Howling of Lion

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Assimilate Power LV 1, Ride In Lightening LV 3
  • Type: Active / Damage (Special)
  • Description: Lets out a deep, deafening roar that damages all targets around you and causes the status effect Fear. If the targets in range were under the effect of a Minstrel or Wanderer song, that effect is removed.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power 180% 360% 540% 720% 900%
Radius 5 cells 5 cells 6 cells 6 cells 7 cells
Fear Chance 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Image:Riding_Lightning.png Ride In Lightening (Lightening Shot)

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Finger Offensive LV 3
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Fires your spirit spheres, resulting in an explosion that damages all targets in a wide area. The skill level controls how many spheres you use, and the more spheres shot the higher the damage is. If the user's weapon is endowed with wind element, the skill does additional damage. The user's dex increases the damage done.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Area of Effect 5x5 cells 5x5 cells 7x7 cells 7x7 cells 9x9 cells
Sphere Used 1 3 5 7 11

Image:Gentle_Touch_Quiet.png Gentle Touch - Quiet (Pressure Point: Silence)

Status Icon Image:Sc_01.png

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Power Velocity LV 1
  • Type: Active / Damage / Debuff
  • Description: By using special pressure point techniques, you deal damage and silence one target. The caster's dex greatly increases the damage.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Range 2 2 2 2 2
Attack Power 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%

Image:Gentle_Touch_Cure.png Gentle Touch - Cure (Presure Point: Recovery)

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Power Velocity LV 1
  • Type: Active / Recovery / Buff
  • Description: Using special pressure point techniques, you recover a target's HP and cure them of various status ailments. Skill level increases the probability of success. The skill can recover Petrification / Frozen / Stun / Poison / Silence / Blind / Hallucination / Burning / Freezing / and Guillotine Cross poison statuses. Using this skill you can also recover yourself from Petrification / Frozen / Stun statuses. Consumes 1 spirit sphere.

Image:Gentle_Touch_Energy.png Gentle Touch - Energy Gain (Pressure Point: Energy Gain)

Status Icon Image:Sc_06.png

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Pressure Point: Silence LV 3
  • Type: Active / Self Buff
  • Description: Using pressure points on your own body you can improve your fighting spirit, allowing you to gain spirit spheres when you deal and receive physical damage. The skill consumes some HP when initially cast. This skill cannot be used in combination with Pressure Point: Change and Presure Point: Revitalize.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
HP Cost 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
Chance to get a spirit sphere 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%
Duration 60s 120s 180s 240s 300s

Image:Gentle_Touch_Change.png Gentle Touch - Change (Pressure Point: Change)

Status Icon Image:Sc_02.png

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Pressure Point: Silence LV 4
  • Type: Active / Self Buff
  • Description: Using special presure points you take your own physical and magical defense and instead turns it into attack power and attack speed. Casting the skill takes 2 spirit spheres and drains some HP. Cannot be used in combination with Pressure Point: Energy Gain and Pressure Point: Revitalize.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
HP Cost 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
Duration 60s 120s 180s 240s 300s

Image:Gentle_Touch_Revitalize.png Gentle Touch - Revitalize (Pressure Point: Revitalize)

Status Icon Image:Sc_03.png

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Presure Point: Change LV 5
  • Type: Active / Self Buff
  • Description: Using special pressure points you increase your VIT, MaxHP, and improve your natural HP regeneration. Also increases your physical defense. While in this state your movement and attack speed and HP recovery increase as well. Consumes 2 spirit spheres. Cannot be used in combination with Pressure Point: Energy Gain and Pressure Point: Change.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Max HP 6% 12% 18% 24% 30%
Natural HP Recovery +100% +140% +180% +220% +260%

Image:Assimilate_Power.png Assimilate Power

  • Max LV: 1
  • Prerequisites: Vigor Absorption LV 1, Power Velocity LV 1
  • Type: Active / Special
  • Description: Uses Absorb Spirit Spheres on all targets in a 5x5 area, recovering SP.

Image:Power_Velocity.png Power Velocity (All Spirit Injection)

  • Max LV: 1
  • Prerequisites: Vigor Condensation LV 5
  • Type: Active / Special
  • Description: Transfers all of your spirit spheres to a designated target.

Skill Tree


Job Bonuses

The job levels in which a Shura receives a certain bonus:

STR 4 5 9 16 20 30
AGI 1 10 23 24 35 43 44
VIT 14 15 19 31 42

INT 28 29 41 48

DEX 2 11 25 36 37 49 50

Job LV 50 Bonus

  • STR : 6
  • AGI : 7
  • VIT : 5
  • INT : 4
  • DEX : 7
  • LUK : 0

genetic Job 4 Ragnarok Online

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As I promised The Genetic was coming soon! And as of today - a little awhile ago - it was officially uploaded to Sakray-R. Now that I can it's released I can freely show you guys the design along with explaining some designing backgrounds to it.

The Genetic - is short for Genesis/Generator. These guys pretty much are loyal Biochemist who can generate DNA and strands into other things. It really makes it the TRUE job level up from the Bios. Not to mention the Genetics can generate new stronger homunculus to aid in battle.

Heres a look at the sprite:
Now the design of the Genetics is pretty simple since it's suppose to represent something similar to the previous job. As you noticed the shoulder-pads are now wider/bigger and also animate. This was simply because the last job shoulder-pads WAS suppose to move and breath-fire just like the art works you guys might see around. However, due to deadlines once the sprite was finished and the public liked it how it was, it was never looked backed at. Since this is a new job of the same type, this time it was made a point to finally make the shoulder-pads move like they're alive.

The outfit now represents more of a creature then just the cape did before, which showcase it as demonic/fiend armor. The chest armor is Satan Morroc while the shoulder-pads are Hodremlins.

Well I hope you guys enjoy! More to come soon!


Image:Gn_training_sword.png Sword Training

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: -
  • Type: Passive
  • Description: Through training, you achieve higher attack power, accuracy, and speed when using one-hand sword or dagger.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power +10 +20 +30 +40 +50
Hit Rate +3 +6 +9 +12 +15

Image:Gn_remodeling_cart.png Cart Remodeling

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: -
  • Type: Passive
  • Description: Improves your cart, increasing accuracy with Cart Revolution, Cart Tornado, and Cart Cannon. Increases max weight limit of your cart as well.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Weight +500 +1000 +1500 +2000 +2500
Cart Skill Hit +4 +8 +12 +16 +20

Image:Gn_cart_tornado.png Cart Tornado

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Cart Remodeling LV 1
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Swings your cart around you and striking all targets within 2 cells around you. Targets that are hit will be stunned and pushed back 2 cells. Requires a cart to be used. Cart Remodeling greatly increases the damage of this skill.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power 150% + Cart Remodeling Level 200% + Cart Remodeling Level 250% + Cart Remodeling Level 300% + Cart Remodeling Level 350% + Cart Remodeling Level

Image:Gn_cartcannon.png Cart Cannon

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Cart Remodeling LV 2
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Fire's a gun from your cart to deal large damage to a single target. Requires a cart to be used. The user's INT and Cart Remodeling skill level greatly increases the damage of this skill.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Power 400% + Cart Remodeling Level 450% + Cart Remodeling Level 500% + Cart Remodeling Level 550% + Cart Remodeling Level 600% + Cart Remodeling Level

Image:Gn_cartboost.png Cart Boost

Status Icon Image:Gn_cartboost_StCh.png

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Cart Remodeling LV 3
  • Type: Self Buff
  • Description: Increases the users movement speed and attack power for 90 seconds. Requires a cart to be used.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Movement Speed +50% +50% +75% +75% +100%
Attack Power +10 +20 +30 +40 +50

Image:Gn_thorns_trap.png Thorn Trap

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Special Pharmacy LV 2
  • Type: Special / Damage
  • Description: Throws a thorn trap onto a cell which binds the enemy's feet. While the target is trapped, they receive damage over time. If the target is hit by a Fire attribute attack, the thorn trap is destroyed. Consumes 1 Thorny Seed.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Duration 10s 12s 14s 16s 18s

Image:Gn_blood_sucker.png Blood Sucker

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Special Pharmacy LV 3
  • Type: Special / Damage
  • Description: Attach a blood sucking plant that can absorb life energy to a target, which as the target takes damage the caster recovers some HP. Up to 3 blood suckers can be active at once. If the user and target are over 12 cells apart, the blood sucker will fall off. Consumes 1 Blood Sucker Seed.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Duration 20s 22s 24s 26s 28s

Image:Gn_spore_explosion.png Spore Explosion

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Special Pharmacy LV 4
  • Type: Special / Damage
  • Description: Attach an explosive mushroom spore to a target. After a short period of time, the mushroom spores will explode, and damaging not just the target but dealing magical damage to anyone in range. Skill level increases the radius of the explosion. Consumes 1 Explosive Mushroom Spore.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Radius 3x3 cells 5x5 cells 7x7 cells 9x9 cells 11x11 cells
Seconds Before Detonation 2 2 3 3 4

Image:Gn_wallofthorn.png Wall Of Thorns

Status Icon Image:Gn_wallofthorn_StCh.png

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Special Pharmacy LV 4
  • Type: Special / Damage
  • Description: Creates a barrier of thorns around a target location. If a target touches the wall, it will advance on them and deal damage. The wall can be attacked, and if it takes enough damage, it automatically cancels. If the wall is struck with a Fire attribute attack, it becomes a Firewall. Only one Wall Of Thorns can be active at once. Consumes 1 Thorny Seed.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Duration 10s 11s 12s 13s 14s

Image:Gn_crazyweed.png Crazy Weed

  • Max LV: 10
  • Prerequisites: Thorn Trap LV 3
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Summons a huge plant mass that deals Earth element damage to all nearby targets and destroys any traps in the area. Skill level increases the damage and the number of plant masses you can summon.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attack Power 600% 700% 800% 900% 1000% 1100% 1200% 1300% 1400% 1500%
Number of Plant Masses Up to 3 Up to 4 Up to 4 Up to 5 Up to 5 Up to 6 Up to 6 Up to 7 Up to 7 Up to 8

Image:Gn_demonic_fire.png Demonic Fire

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Spore Explosion LV 3
  • Type: Active / Damage
  • Description: Throws a bottle grenade to create a sea of fire. Any target inside the area of the skill will receive continuous damage and have a chance to receive Burning status effect. Consumes 1 Bottle Grenade.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Fire Element Magic Damage 130% 150% 170% 190% 210%
Duration 10s 12s 14s 16s 18s
Burning Chance 8% 12% 16% 20% 24%

Image:Gn_fire_expansion.png Fire Expansion

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Demonic Fire LV 3
  • Type: Active / Special / Damage
  • Description: If used on an area that has a Demonic Fire, the skill causes various effects depending on what you throw.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Item Thrown 1 Oil Bottle 1 Explosive Powder 1 Smokescreen Powder 1 Tear Gas 1 Acid Bottle
Effect Demonic Fire Damage + 50% / Duration + 10s Increases Demonic Fire damage based on INT / Cancels Demonic Fire Demonic Fire becomes a smokescreen / Reduces ranged damage / Increases evasion Demonic Fire becomes teargas / Drains HP and reduces accuracy and evasion Demonic Fire becomes Acid Bomb / Uses the highest level learned of Acid Bomb

Image:Gn_hells_plant.png Hell's Plant

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Blood Sucker LV 3
  • Type: Active / Special / Damage
  • Description: Summons a plant from hell onto the ground, which attacks nearby enemies dealing damage as well as causing Stun and Bleeding status.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
Max Summons 2 3 4 5 6
Bleeding 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Stun 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Image:Gn_mandragora.png Howling of Mandragora

  • Max LV: 5
  • Prerequisites: Hell's Plant LV 3
  • Type: Active / Special / Damage
  • Description: Pulls a live Mandragora from the ground which releases a wild scream that lowers the INT of nearby targets and drains their SP. Increases the fixed casting time of all skills. The chance of success is reduced by the VIT and LUK of the target.
Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
INT -10 -15 -20 -25 -30
SP -30% -35% -40% -45% -50%
Success Rate 45% 55% 65% 75% 85%

Image:Gn_slingitem.png Sling Item

  • Max LV: 1
  • Prerequisites: Change Material LV 1
  • Type: Active
  • Description: Throws a fruit bomb or other items classified as Throwing type items. Max range is 11 cells.

Image:Gn_changematerial.png Change Material

  • Max LV: 1
  • Prerequisites: -
  • Type: Active
  • Description: Combines various items to make new items. However, you can't assume how to make something. If you don't know the item name and use the exact ingredients, the skill will fail. It's said that formulas for synthesized items are available somewhere in the world.

Image:Gn_mix_cooking.png Mix Cooking

  • Max LV: 2
  • Prerequisites: -
  • Type: Active
  • Description: Mix various ingredients to create incredibly delicious food. If you use level 2 of Mix Cooking, you'll create 10 at a time. You'll need to have a recipe book and ingredients in order to use the skill.

Image:Gn_makebomb.png Create Bomb

  • Max LV: 2
  • Prerequisites: Mix Cooking LV 1
  • Type: Active
  • Description: Creates explosives out of various kinds of fruit. If you use level 2 of Create Bomb, you'll create 10 at a time. Requires a bomb creation manual.

Image:Gn_s_pharmacy.png Special Pharmacy

  • Max LV: 10
  • Prerequisites: -
  • Type: Active
  • Description: Allows the Genetic to create a diverse number of potions and drinks. Skill level increases the number of items that can be made at one time. In order to create potions, you'll need to have the correct manual.

Skill Tree


Job Bonuses

The job levels in which a Genetic receives a certain bonus:

STR 37

AGI 8 20 29 40 47

VIT 18 24 25

INT 1 2 7 12 23 35 36 41 44 45 50
DEX 3 6 13 19 28 39

LUK 31

Job LV 50 Bonus

  • STR : 1
  • AGI : 5
  • VIT : 3
  • INT : 11
  • DEX : 6
  • LUK : 1

Genetic Related Item List

Image:Dark_Powder_.jpg * Dark Powder

  • A dangerous ingredient that glows with a dark light. It's an explosive ingredient so handle with care.
  • Price:500z

Weight: 0.1

  • Dropped by : Sting

Image:Black_Powder_.jpg * Black Powder

  • A beautiful pitch black powder for various uses. Be careful not to get it in your eyes.
  • Price:100z

Weight: 0.1

Image:Yellow_Powder_.jpg * Yellow Powder

  • A flavorless and odorless yellow powder. It burns with an amazing blue flame.
  • Price:100z

Weight: 0.1

Image:White_Powder_.jpg * White Powder

  • A salt-like white powder with no odor.
  • Price:100z

Weight: 0.1

  • Dropped by : Anacondaq

Image:Stew_Pot_.jpg * Stew Pot

  • A large pot for mixing various foods.
  • Price:500z

Weight: 1

Image:Savage_Meat_.jpg * Savage Meat

  • The finest cut of Savage meat.
  • Price:100z

Weight: 1

  • Dropped by : Savage, Savage Babe

Image:Iron_Cooking_Skewer_.jpg * Iron Cooking Skewer

  • A long skewer for cooking full roast.
  • Price:300z

Weight: 1

Image:Bituminous_Coal_.jpg * Bituminous Coal

  • Black coal used as fuel. Adds flavor to food that you cook with it.
  • Price:300z

Image:Wolf's_Blood_.jpg * Wolf's Blood

  • Blood from a desert wolf for medicinal purposes.
  • Price:100z

Image:Cold_Ice_.jpg * Cold Ice

  • An incredibly cold block of ice.
  • Price:100z
  • Dropped by : Freezer

Image:Seasoned_Tough_Meat_.jpg * Seasoned Tough Meat

  • A tough piece of meat that is usually boiled or pressed to make more tender.
  • Price:100z

Image:Large_Pan_.jpg * Large Pan

  • A light but large pan for mixing various ingredients.
  • Price:600z

Image:Powdered_Ice_.jpg * Powdered Ice

  • Ice that has been crushed into a fine powder.
  • Price:100z

Image:Ice_Crystal_.jpg * Ice Crystal

  • A transparent ice crystal.
  • Price:100z

Image:Comodo_Tropical_Fruit_.jpg * Comodo Tropical Fruit

  • A famous tropical fruit commonly seen in Comodo. It looks like it would be sweet.
  • Price:800z

Image:Drosera_Feeler_.jpg * Drosera Feeler

  • A stiff tentacle taken from a Drosera from the Arunafeltz region.
  • Price:100z

Image:Petite_Tail_.jpg * Petite Tail

  • A tail section of a petite.
  • Price:100z

Image:Fine_Noodles.jpg * Fine Noodles

  • Thin white noodles. Popular in the summer.
  • Price:500z

Image:Cold_Broth_.jpg * Cold Broth

  • A basic ingredient for cooking stew and some soups.
  • Price:400z

Image:Coconut.jpg * Coconut

  • A tropical fruit with white juice.

Image:Melon.jpg * Melon

  • A light green round fruit that has a sweet fragrance.

Image:Pineapple.jpg * Pineapple

  • A fresh fruit that has a sort of sour and sweet flavor. Be careful cause the outside of the pineapple has sharp thorns.


Image:Cure_Free_.jpg * Cure Free

  • A potion that recovers a large amount of HP. Cures Silence, Bleeding, and Curse status effects.

Weight: 1

Image:Boost500.jpg * Boost500

  • A potion that slightly boosts attack speed.

Duration 500 seconds. Weight: 1

Image:Full_Swing_K.jpg * Full Swing K

  • A potion that slightly boosts attack power.

Duration 500 seconds. Weight: 1

Image:Manaplus.jpg * Manaplus

  • A potion that slightly boosts magic attack power.

Duration 500 seconds. Weight: 1

Image:Muramura_M.jpg * Muramura M

  • A potion that slightly boosts max HP.

Duration 500 seconds. Weight: 1

Image:Falmons_F.jpg * Falmons F

  • A potion that slightly boosts max SP.

Duration 500 seconds. Weight: 1

Image:HP_Increase_Potion_(Small).jpg * HP Increase Potion (Small)

  • A potion that slightly increases Max HP, recovers 2% HP.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Image:HP_Increase_Potion_(Medium).jpg * HP Increase Potion (Medium)

  • A potion that slightly increases Max HP, recovers 3% HP.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Image:HP_Increase_Potion_(Large).jpg * HP Increase Potion (Large)

  • A potion that slightly increases Max HP, recovers 5% HP.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Image:SP_Increase_Potion_(Small).jpg * SP Increase Potion (Small)

  • A potion that slightly increases Max SP, recovers 2% SP.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Image:SP_Increase_Potion_(Medium).jpg * SP Increase Potion (Medium)

  • A potion that slightly increases Max SP, recovers 4% SP.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Image:SP_Increase_Potion_(Large).jpg * SP Increase Potion (Large)

  • A potion that slightly increases Max SP, recovers 8% SP.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Image:Concentrated_White_Potion_Z.jpg * Concentrated White Potion Z

  • Increases a great amount of HP, and boosts natural HP recovery by 20%.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Image:Vitata500.jpg * Vitata500

  • Recovers a large amount of SP, and boosts natural SP recovery by 20%.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Image:Concentrated_Ceromain_Soup_.jpg * Concentrated Ceromain Soup

  • Increases a large amount of HP, and slightly increases attack speed.

Duration 500s. Weight: 1

Mix Cooking Dishes

Image:Savage_Full_Roast_.jpg * Savage Full Roast A full roasted savage with wild ingredients.

Increases STR by 20 ~ 30 points. Duration 30 minutes.

Weight: 5

Image:Cocktail_Warg_Blood_.jpg * Cocktail Warg Blood A deep red cocktail. It's rumored that wolfs blood is an ingredient.

Increases INT by 20 ~ 30 points. Duration 30 minutes.

Weight: 5

Image:Minor_Stew_.jpg * Minor Stew A brilliant stew with tender cuts of meat.

Increases VIT by 20 ~ 30 points. Duration 30 minutes.

Weight: 5

Image:Siroma_Iced_Tea_.jpg * Siroma Iced Tea A fantastic drink with crystal ice.

Increases DEX by 20 ~ 30 points. Duration 30 minutes.

Weight: 5

Image:Drosera_Herb_Salad_.jpg * Drosera Herb Salad A strong textured dish that is a delicacy in the Arunafeltz.

Increases AGI by 20 ~ 30 points. Duration 30 minutes.

Weight: 5

Image:Petite_Tail_Noodles_.jpg * Petite Tail Noodles A fully garnished Korean type noodles thats considered a masterpiece from geffen.

Increases LUK by 20 ~ 30 points. Duration 30 minutes.

Weight: 5

Image:Black_Mass.jpg * Black Mass A pitch black lump with a foul odor. It looks like it was some kind of cooking gone horribly wrong.

Decreases all stats by 5 ~ 10 points. Duration 30 minutes

Weight: 5

Throwing Items :

Image:Apple_Bomb_.jpg * Apple Bomb A small apple loaded with explosive powder. It doesn't pack much punch but you can get good range.

Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 0.1 Element: Neutral

Image:Coconut_Bomb_.jpg * Coconut Bomb An explosive crafted with the hard shell of a coconut. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 0.1 Element: Neutral

Image:Melon_Bomb_.jpg * Melon Bomb A bomb created with a melon's sweet sticky juice. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 0.1 Element: Neutral

Image:Pineapple_Bomb_.jpg * Pineapple Bomb A bomb created with a pineapples hard skin that will fragment when it explodes. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 0.1 Element: Neutral

Image:Banana_Bomb.jpg * Banana Bomb

Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 0.1 Element: Neutral

Image:Black_Lump_.jpg * Black Lump A hard black lump. It would hurt a bit if you threw it at someone. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Hard_Black_Lump_.jpg * Hard Black Lump A more concentrated black lump. It would hurt considerably. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Extremely_Hard_Black_Lump_.jpg * Extremely Hard Black Lump An extremely hard black lump. It would be really bad to be hit by this. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Mysterious_powder.jpg * Mysterious powder A strange powder. You're not sure what will happen. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 0.1 Element: Neutral

Image:Boost500.jpg * Throwing Boost500 A refined Boost500 for throwing. Increases attack speed. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Full_Swing_K.jpg * Throwing Full Swing K A refined Full Swing K for throwing. Increases attack power. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Manaplus.jpg * Throwing Manaplus A refined Manaplus for throwing. Increases magic attack power. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Cure_Free_.jpg * Throwing Cure Free A remodeled cure free for throwing. Recovers a large amount. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Muramura_M.jpg * Throwing Muramura M A remodeled Muramura M for throwing. Increases max HP. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Falmons_F.jpg * Throwing Falmons F A remodeled Falmons F for throwing. Increases max SP. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:HP_Increase_Potion_(Small).jpg * Throwing Increase HP Potion (Small) A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 2% HP. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:HP_Increase_Potion_(Medium).jpg * Throwing Increase HP Potion (Medium) A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 3% HP. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:HP_Increase_Potion_(Large).jpg * Throwing Increase HP Potion (Large) A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 5% HP. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:SP_Increase_Potion_(Small).jpg * Throwing Increase SP Potion (Small) A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 2% SP. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:SP_Increase_Potion_(Medium).jpg * Throwing Increase SP Potion (Medium) A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 4% SP. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:SP_Increase_Potion_(Large).jpg * Throwing Increase SP Potion (Large) A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 8% SP. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Concentrated_White_Potion_Z.jpg * Throwing Concentrated White Potion Z A remodeled Concentrated White Potion Z for throwing. Recovers a large amount of HP and boosts natural HP regen. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Vitata500.jpg * Throwing Vitata500 A remodeled Vitata500 for throwing. Recovers a large amount of SP and boosts natural SP regen. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Concentrated_Ceromain_Soup_.jpg * Throwing Ceromain Soup A remodeled Ceromain Soup for throwing. Recovers a large amount of HP and boosts attack speed. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Savage_Full_Roast_.jpg * Throwing Savage Full Roast A remodeled Savage Full Roast for throwing. Increases STR. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Cocktail_Warg_Blood_.jpg * Throwing Cocktail Warg Blood A Cocktail Warg Blood refined for throwing. Increases INT. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Minor_Stew_.jpg * Throwing Minor Stew A remodeled Minor Stew for throwing. Increases VIT. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Siroma_Iced_Tea_.jpg * Throwing Siroma Iced Tea A remodeled Siroma Iced Tea for throwing. Increases DEX. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Drosera_Herb_Salad_.jpg * Throwing Drosera Herb Salad A remodeled Drosera Herb Salad for throwing. Increases AGI. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Petite_Tail_Noodles_.jpg * Throwing Petite Tail Soup A remodeled Petite Tail Soup for Throwing. Increases LUK. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Image:Black_Mass.jpg * Throwing Black Mass A remodeled Black Mass for throwing. Lowers all stats. Type: Throwing Attack: 0 Weight: 1 Element: Neutral

Creation Manuals :

Image:Mix_Cooking_Ingredient_Book_-1.jpg Mix Cooking Ingredient Book #1

  • From the monthly alchemist publication. Contains the latest 'Mix Cooking' recipes.
  • Price:10z

Image:Vitality_Boost_Research_Book_.jpg Vitality Boost Research Book

  • Originally published in a popular monthly alchemist series (Excess HP Vol 12). A complete guide on boosting vitality.
  • Price:100z

Image:Energy_Drink_Formula_.jpg Energy Drink Formula

  • Originally published in a popular monthly alchemist series (Dream SP Vol 10). Includes detailed research on boosting SP.
  • Price:100z

Image:Apple_Bomb_Guidebook_.jpg Apple Bomb Guidebook

  • A guide on how to make apple bombs.
  • Price:1,000z

Ingredients: Apple + Scell + Dark Powder + Detonator Weight: 1

Image:Pineapple_Bomb_Guidebook_.jpg Pineapple Bomb Guidebook

  • A guide on how to make pineapple bombs.
  • Price:1,000z

Ingredients: Pineapple + Cactus Needle + 3x Dark Powder + Detonator Weight: 1

Image:Coconut_bomb_manufacturing_book_.jpg Coconut Bomb Guidebook

  • A guide on how to make Coconut bombs.
  • Price:1,000z

Ingredients: Coconut + 2x Dark Powder + Detonator Weight: 1

Image:Melon_Bomb_Guidebook_.jpg Melon Bomb Guidebook

  • A guide on how to make Melon bombs.
  • Price:1,000z

Ingredients: Melon + Sticky Mucus + 2x Dark Powder + Detonator Weight: 1

Image:Banana_Bomb_Guidebook_.jpg Banana Bomb Guidebook

  • A guide on how to make banana bombs.
  • Price:1,000z

Ingredients: Banana + Mold Powder + 4x Dark Powder + Detonator Weight: 1

Image:Plant_Genetic_Cultivation_Guide_.jpg Plant Genetic Cultivation Guide

  • A guide book required for the cultivation of Thorny Seeds, Blood Sucker Seeds, and Explosive Mushroom Spores.
  • Price:1,000z

Thorny Seed : 10x Thorny Fruit

Blood Sucker : 10x Man-eater Root

Explosive Mushroom Spore : 10x Mushroom Spore, 5x Poison Mushroom Spore, 2x Black Powder

Image:Improved_Potion_Creation_Manual_.jpg Improved Potion Creation Manual

  • A guide on how to create Concentrated White Potion Z, Vitata500, and Concentrated Ceromain Soup.
  • Price:1,000z

Concentrated White Potion :10x Test Tubes, 20x White Potions, 10x White Herbs, 1x Alcohol

Vitata500 : 10x Test Tubes, 10x Grapes, 10x Honey, 10x Blue Herbs

Concentrated Ceromain Soup : 10x Test Tubes, 5x Awakening Potions, 5x Concentration Potions, 5x Spicy Sauce

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